In this world most of the people doesnt afford expensive, luxury and new mobile phones, so they purchase used or second hand mobiles from different classified platforms like OLX, eBay, Amazon. So this app is basically designed for those people who buy used mobiles to check each and every feature of their mobile phones before buying. PhInfo (Phone Information) will completely test your mobile and ensure you about each feature of your mobile and save you from any kind of cheat or fraud.Design of phone Information is very simple and easy to use. A normal lay person can easily understand that how to check hardware, software, battery and network signals of mobile phone.Main Features: ▶ Hardware▶ Software▶ Battery▶ Network☆ Hardware detail includes:In this feature you can get all information about your device hardware. This will give you live details of your CPU, RAM and ROM usage.▶ Manufacture▶ Model▶ Brand▶ Board▶ CPU speed▶ CPU cores▶ CPU temperature▶ Live CPU usage▶ Screen size▶ Screen resolution▶ Screen density▶ Total RAM▶ Available RAM▶ Live RAM usage▶ Total storage▶ Available storage▶ Live ROM usage☆ Software detail includes: This will ensure you about your mobile software details. You can also check that your device is rooted or not.▶ Android version▶ API level▶ Build id▶ Java VM▶ OpenGL ES▶ Kernal version▶ Kernal name▶ Kernal architecture▶ Root access▶ System up-time☆ Battery detail includes:This will give you complete detail of mobile battery and its health. The result of battery Time left may not be accurate.▶ Battery health▶ Battery level▶ Power source (USB / AC-Adapter )▶ Status (charging / discharging)▶ Technology▶ Temperature▶ Voltage▶ Ampere ▶ Time left☆ Network detail includes:This feature of PhInfo will give you each and every detail about your network and Signals.▶ Network operator▶ SIM operator▶ Network type▶ Network Signals strength▶ Data state▶ Network code▶ Country code▶ Roaming▶ SIM number★ Permissions : READ_PHONE_STATE: To get your SIM number.★ Note : The icons used in this app are freely available in the public domain, if you believe we have made an error. Please write to us at
[email protected] and we will remove that icon.